JMP gradation (solid)

Air force training course bullets. Bullet statements can be contributed using this form.

Air force training course bullets. Examples of Air Force EPR bullets for Instructors.

Air force training course bullets - Completed Air Force Voluntary Protection Assessors Program course; one of only 6 in AFRC; ready to lead - Successfully accomplished AMC & Motorcycle Safety Foundation Sport Bike training course--only 1 of 3 base instructors - Superior NCO! Identified deficiency in fire escape plan; directed creation Examples of EPR bullets for Training Program Development. The NCO Foundations Course 500 provides students with Senior Airman XXXX has out-performed his peers at the MPF by assisting in vPC close-out actions by processing ### evaluation sites in # weeks with a ##% EPR on-time rate, beating the Air Force standard by ##%. DAU has free courses/CBTs you can knock out in a few hours DigitalU and Udemy have a ton of courses in various subjects myLearning, depending on MAJCOM has CBTs - Rapid Global Mobility Course 1/2 if you're AMC is a good one, and even if you aren't. Duty Position Requirements, qualifications, and certifications: Consider duty position qualifications, career field certifications (if applicable), and readiness Examples of EPR bullets for Instructors. 3M taxiway construction/AEF return/daily flying plan--spurred 970 sorties - Managed world's busiest C-17 unit; produced highest UTE/flying-hr rt of 5 AMC bases--sealed AMC Daedalian win Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. Q&A. The app is an evidence-based physical training toolkit to enhance readiness and mitigate risk of future musculoskeletal injury. MASTER . Basically fills in the gap between FTEC and ALS. - Demonstrated Air Force Core Values--exceptional example, facilitated unit pride, dedication to duty, & growth - Designed training plan for assigned QA augmentees; trained 12 new personnel--program functional in two months - Developed & managed deployed spouse wellness group--improved information flow and resource availability by 100% Air Force Contracting EPR Bullets. If you took classes and used what you learned to develop something or those around you, sure. - Prepares NAF and APF budgets for centrally funded programs/events/projects to enhance the Air Force's CAF domains - Instructed 12-hrs Food Service micro-training courses; trained 38--ensured 100% job qualifications achieved Skills Training - A formal course, which results in the award of a skill level. Training Program Development - Established A&FRC's Dad Bootcamp pgm; instructed 2 parental conflict resolution crses--boosted 14 mbr's resiliency Examples of Military Training Instructor (MTI) EPR Bullets. Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. f. The Jr Enlisted Foundations course is completely separate. Any references to Airmen or Air Force personnel will include - Career field expert; revamped flying training syllabus--improved FE training timeline--promote to MSgt now! - Chief Flight Engineer in HQ ACC's largest Stan/Eval program--over 2,000 flight evals accomplished annually - Completed 10-week correspondence course; prereq for Canadian Advanced Ldrshp Prgm--rcv'd "Outstanding". BASIC SENIOR. CAREER FIELD EDUCATION . ALL SOURCE INTELLIGENCE ANALYST . The tasks assigned to an individual for the position currently held. AFSC 3F2X1, Education and Training (formerly AFSC 3S2X1) EPR Bullets. Trainer/Instructor - Facilitated CCAF training; instructed 20+ reservists in utilization of AFVEC/funding request; - Completed Selecting and Using Multimedia in Training course--greatly enhanced course development skills Not entirely. - Filled Sq Training Manager billet; coord'd heavy eqpmt certification f/17 mbrs--increas'd snow team man-power 20% - Spearheaded 12th Air Force map request; printed 10 3E7X1 Fire Protection EPR Bullets. Training: - Accomplished 5 level CDC upgrade trng; scored an 83% on end of course test--increased LO knowledge 20% - Achieved 7-level; completed on-the-job training 2. Duty Description - Instructs initial mil trng and basic expeditionary skills; evaluates trainee performance, adaptability & AF Core Values - Outstanding MTI--displayed superb initiative molding 200+ Amn--supported total force in 37 critical AFSCs - Redesigned BMT Leadership Reaction Course (LRC) Leadership Reaction Courses (LRC) are the highlight of this week (and the entire program in my opinion). 3K classified shipments; 92K lbs/$146M distributed across USCENTCOM--spt'd 6. Reply reply [deleted] • Literally depends on what you taught hence the blanks. We know what we do. , The official News page of the Air Force Medical Service, providing the latest articles about Air Force Medicine and the Air Force. 5K in fees/generated $497K in refunds - Completed two DAU courses 15 days early; five courses shy DAWIA Level I Cert--increased SCM knowledge - Conquered SANS Security Essentials crs; improved technical competency--strengthened base security enclave - Cared for 5 SCU/175 MSU patients; saved $936K--important to USAFE/AF SG's Best Hospital of Year 2009 - CLEP'd Principles of Management; passed test--obtained 63/89 credits towards CCAF Allied Health Sciences Examples of Air Force Civilian/CCAF Training EPR bullets. Also if you’re new to an AFSC it would be good to show how you’re succeeding having only been in the job for X months, especially if you’re an NCO as a lot of your bullets are likely not at the name level as your peers having been in the job a few years. Ippolito, 1BXXX AFCFM (HAF A2/6C) Supersedes: CFETP 1B4X1, dated 15 Jul 2018 . 8 Air Force Inspector General (IG) EPR Bullets. 5 months early--enhanced LO workcenter efficiency by 2% DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE Headquarters US Air Force Washington, DC 20330-1030 3F2X1 CFETP Parts I & II 21 April 2023 AFSC 3F2X1 Education and Training course training standard, identifying the tasks and knowledge requirements, and respective standards provided to achieve a 3, 5, Examples of Air Force EPR bullets for Trainer/Instructor. 5 GPA - Completed Speech course; accumulated 64 college credits/maintained 3. Old. MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. See also: Geospatial/Geographic Information Awards. Other Comments MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. - Coordinates 335+ quota allocations & personnel attendance to MAJCOM mission/en-route technical training courses - Conducted two Air Force Trainers Courses; met core task requirements--increased 210 EIS training capability 25% Air Force Training EPR Bullets for 5-level, 7-level, and Shop Qualification. Consider the quality, quantity, results, and impact of the Airman's knowledge and ability to accomplish tasks. Sponsorship EPR Bullets - Aided AFRC sponsorship prgm; created sections std pkg/greeted 4 FTA & 3 families--lauded as best welcome - AMXS INTRO manager; mng'd 492 prsnl sponsor appointments/duty info updates--ensured program/data integrity AFSC 1C7X1, Airfield Management EPR Bullet Examples. These are Initial Leadership Opportunities (ILO) in which one person will be in charge Air Force (USAF), the United States Space Force (USSF), the Air Force Reserve (AFR), the Air National Guard (ANG), all Department of the Air Force (DAF) civilian employees, and those with a contractual obligation to abide by the terms of DAF issuances, except where noted otherwise. The course is one of the prerequisites to become an Air Traffic Control trainer. Pages: 72 Usaf epr bullets by afsc Welcome to the first open Public Bullet Database focusing on Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and Air Force awards. Most of the time, we don't need help identifying our accomplishments. ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-publishing website at . Writing Strong EPR Bullets. Air Force Trainer/Instructor EPR Bullets. Air Force Training EPR Bullets Duty Description - Performs C-17 Propulsion Qualification Training; prepares/leads classroom & flightline acft mx instruction activities The best and largest collection of U. Scrounge the old share drive for past EPR’s and Google “Air Force EPR Bullets”. ay 2024 DENTAL ASSISTANT SPECIALTY . - Completed 7 level upgrade training despite deployment; well rounded mission ready in skill lvl critical AFSC - Completed AMC Load Planners course; mastered automated loading system--garnering full scope 2G/2T knowledge - Completed AMC Load Planners course;mastered aircraft automated loading system;guaranteed flight safety/efficiency - Managed AMU training; coordinated 200 + personnel on over 2K in transactions--met all courses Jul/Aug 14 - Managed wg FHP; deconflicted $2. for air show/EME; time critical data distributed flawlessly - Org'd Military Saves campaign; led 7 personal finance/retirement planning workshops--postur'd for civilian transition - Org'd Wg Shelter House event; led 40 vols/clear'd 1. - Excelled by completing manager training courses--increased organizational skills--reduced late suspenses 10% - Expanded professional education; Bullet statements can be contributed using this form. The Silver Flag Tyndall site recently hosted a 10-day course with student-led, hands-on RADR exercise with 23 Airmen from Minot Examples of Sponsor Program EPR Bullets. The intent of the bullets within are to inspire and help active duty, guard and reserve Air Force supervisors (Civilian, Enlisted & Officers) build better bullets. SEJPME 1 if you're a SSgt or TSgt select Donate blood or plasma Comments referencing Air Force prerequisite Professional Military Education (or sister service equivalent) selection, attendance and/or completion are prohibited, to include implied comments. 3N2X1 – Premier Band – The United States Air Force Band; 3N3X1 – Premier Band – The United States Air Force Academy Band; 3P – Security Forces. See also: Instructor/ Trainer Awards and Decorations. Examples of Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets. Air Force Training Program Development EPR Bullets. Sort by: Best. Consider Off-duty Education, PME, Professional Enhancement, Communication, Providing, Supporting, and Personal Growth - Tm'd w/Fire Department f/trng; instr'd 13 mbrs on underfloor emergency proc's--13 initial qual's/boosted capes >80% In no possible or conceivable way does this benefit the Air Force, at all. - Deconflict'd daily ops f/ 6 Airfield Mgt mbrs--enabled 24/7/365 support/201K movements during low manning For instance, the Air Force Institute of Technology, Air University, and Air Education Training Command offer online courses. 9K domestic violence survivors/year - Participated in Ramstein Sexual Assault Awareness 5K run; raised consciousness toward vital Air Force pgm Examples of Air Force Civilian/CCAF Training EPR bullets. 1N0X1. in Criminal Justice--sets the example for peers & junior NCOs - Immersed in Wing-level Emerging Leader training course; completed 35+ hours in peer-to-peer leadership training - Completed 27 hours of A highly trained, motivated enlisted work force is the Air Force’s key resource in meeting challenges of the future. Prior - Completed three Air Force CBT courses; sharpened personnel management skills--applied working knowledge. Duty Description - Oversees daily ops of records/reception element; verifies eligibility for care; maintains/files charts for 2K pts - Dental Radiology NCOIC; calibrates digital software on 12 x-ray units- Examples of EPR bullets for First Term Airmen Course (FTAC) First Term Airmen Course (FTAC) - Co-led 11 prof enhancement courses; orchestrated schedule/528 briefers/132 hours--developed 206 future AF leaders - FTAC lecturer; briefed time mgmt/enlisted force structure f/3 classes--mentored 55 Amn/developed future AF leaders Air Force Guidance: SNCO Enlisted Performance Brief Foundational Changes ALQ Writing Guide Preparation Document Acronym listing CAO 12 Oct 2022 MyEval Instructions. TRAINING EPR BULLETS. This Air Force-level course was developed to provide the Air Force munitions community with advanced training in mass combat ammunition planning and production techniques. they're largely unskilled presentations that someone is giving for the sake of an EPR AFSC 1P0X1, Aircrew Flight Equipment EPR Bullets. myLearning delivers Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) content through ready to DEPARTMENT OF THEAIR FORCE CFETP 4B0X1 Headquarters US Air Force Parts I and II Washington, DC 20330-1030 15 April 2018 AIR FORCE SPECIALTY CODE 4B0X1 BIOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING CAREER FIELD EDUCATION AND TRAINING PLAN ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the Air Force e-Publishing website at - Powered 65 mbr force/6 sections; serv'd 6x Wg/Gp awd board mbr/pres--est'd biweekly enlisted Flt call/unified chain - Prepared 1. AFSC 1P0X1 Aircrew Flight Equipment. Headquarters US Air Force . - Aced 24-hr radiation safety course--fully qualified to perform precision construction measurements worldwide - Spearheaded 12th Air Force map request; Unit Training Manager (UTM) EPR Bullets. af. In addition, as the Formal Training manager, Sergeant Brandon captured 228 mission critical training allocations, capitalizing on two million dollars in TDY funds. Air Force EPR examples in the Free World! - Completed PTL/FAC fitness training; revamped Sq's PT pgm w/robust group exercises--key to 100% pass rate - Accomplished public-speaking crs; earned 3 credits toward CCAF/bolstered Please complete the form provided below to gather examples of Narrative Performance Statements for all Air Force Specialty Code (AFSCs) and additional duties. Open comment sort options. Master Sgt. If your squadron group or wing limits you to 1 whole airman bullet, choose the biggest impact. Readiness EPR Bullets - 51 FW lead for civ evacuation ops, NEO; led 140 Amn/briefed 28 ldrshp tms--Wing primed to evac 2. The course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge needed to - Completed rigorous Taser & Baton training--enhanced less-than lethal capabilities for cooperative control - Trn'd 8 hrs in confrontation mgmt; volunteered 16 hrs/Travis Air Expo crowd cntrl--secured 200K+ attendees - Completed Inter-Service Non-Lethal Individual Weapons Instructor Course; invaluable addition to unit mission If you’ve been selected it can be good to show your versatility and how you succeed there. The tools addressed in this training are the Sub Panel spreadsheet, the Compensation Management Spreadsheet (CMS) and the Pay Pool Analysis Tool DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE CFETP 5R0X1 Headquarters US Air Force Parts I and II Washington, DC 20330-1000 20 July 2023 AFSC 5R0X1 Religious Affairs Section D: identifies a training course index supervisors can use to determine resources available to support training. - Completed two computer training courses--strengthened professional The Air Force Combat Ammunition Center (AFCOMAC) is a United States Air Force training course developed to provide the Air Force munitions community with advanced training in mass combat ammunition planning and production techniques. 3K ISR & CAS sorties - Prepared OB CBLs for freight/air movement via CMOS/ATR; packed 71 pcs/25k pounds at $30k+--met 100% RDDs - Arrang'd/conduct'd training session in former AFSC; 2 hr practical application for 3 new ops members; 1 team 1 fight! - Ascertained current EPR backlog of office; held bullet garnering/writing refresher for Amn/NCOs; regaining currency - Assessed section's MBTI types; id'd/utilized office strengths, promoted teamwork--catapulted section capes - SME for CSAF directed implementation of ECAC course; co-developed curriculum/syllabus/training methods - SOCAF PR Lead; 24/7 CASEVAC ops f/4 FADs/2 ESTS/SOF psnl-provid'd coverage f/581 operators/civ/28 nations - Spearheaded community rel's w/local Sheriff; coord'd survival tng f/Mobile Fld Force--80 officers rdy f/nat disasters Air Force In-Residence Courses . Examples of EPR bullets for Training Program Development. Duty Position Tasks. If you do 20 years, most people will attend less than 150 days of Air Force PME, assuming they don't become a Chief or 1st Sgt. 4K US citizens (65% of managed force) w/o fail DRRS, and AFIT programs; assisted NGB with the UDM training of AFIT - Maintained accuracy of complex readiness data using series of - Completed SEJPME I; mentored 3 Army/2 Navy tm on Air Force concepts/pgm differences--incr'd Jt interoperability - Completed SEJPME I course; enhanced skillset of sister svc viewpoints--raised jt knowledge & operational readiness - Pursued prof. AND TRAINING PLAN . Key topics discussed Examples of U. The course begins with a briefing when the main functionalities of the offline tools are introduced, followed by a live demonstration. Question Share Add a Comment. It's generally easy to write if you finish the degree Sorry I don't have bullets on-hand, but generally these are the basics of what I see people do at each tier to win a quarterly (pick 2 or 3 things to make a package): Airmen: 30+ hours total of volunteering + training courses + booster club position + PTL NCO: 50+ hours total of volunteering + college classes + training courses + PDCs + 5/6 Examples of Readiness EPR Bullets. See also: Unit Training Manager Awards - Multiplied the force; supplied 412 classes/qual'd 4. It really depends to the breadth of impact. Washington, DC 20330-1030 CFETP 1N0X1 Part I and II 21 June 2022. Safety EPR Bullets - A cut above the rest; - Devised USR training plan; launched 10 courses/trn'd 80 mbrs--solidified unit sfty coverage/100% vis unit sfty prgm hand picked safety rep. The Air Force Materiel Command will host a series of virtual AcqDemo Life Cycle Training courses starting Jan. See also: Instructor EPR Bullets. AFSC 1C3X1 Command Post EPR Bullets. SEJPME 1 if you're a SSgt or TSgt select Donate blood or plasma Air Force Education Bullets Air Force Education Bullets: A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Winning Statements Author: Master Sergeant (Ret. 68 GPA--boosted knowledge base to enhance AF mission - Completed upgrade training in two weeks; displayed proficiency in 35 OJT tasks--cut normal cert time by 50%. Training Program Development - Established A&FRC's Dad Bootcamp pgm; instructed 2 parental conflict resolution crses--boosted 14 mbr's resiliency AFSC 8B000, Military Training Instructor EPR Bullets. Keesler is also home to 2nd Air Force, 403rd Wing (Hurricane Hunters), Mathies NCO Academy and the 85th Engineering Installation Squadron. The host unit, the 81st Training Wing, is the electronics training Center of Excellence for the U. Edwin C. - Accomplished 24 hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed five shift personnel in weekly PT sessions--100% pass rate - Designed training program that improved skills of subordinate observation teams--33% increase in - Attended Effective Writing class; improved communication yielded instant impact on FTAC training delivery - Co-led 11 prof enhancement courses; orchestrated schedule/528 briefers/132 hours--developed 206 future AF leaders - Created/implemented FTAC mock PT pgm; led wkly sessions/tested 66 Amn/dietary info--increased pass rt 9% 3 mos EPR Bullet examples for AFSC 3S2X1, Education & Training. Training/Civilian/CCAF. Specialty Training Standard (STS) - An Air Force publication that describes an Air Force specialty in DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE . (U. Job Description - Detects, identifies, neutralizes U. Headquarters, US Air Force . Examples of Air Force EPR bullets for Training/Self-Improvement - Pursued further ed; finalized 180 hrs AETC instr internship/earned 16 credits--awd'd Instructional degree/2nd CCAF - Aggressively completed 6-hrs study tips seminar/communication skills courses--enhanced personal readiness CPR Qualification - Completed CPR training, scored 100% on both hands on and written assessments--ready for life saving intervention - Obtained CPR certification; completed 4 hr course/5 trng events--gained basic life saving skills/expanded msn capes Air Force EPR bullets for Education Certification - Aced medical courses; certified in CPR/Phlebotomy Tech/Nurses Assistance--continued education towards prof goal Examples of Air Force Civilian/CCAF Training EPR bullets. development; completed 40 hr Senior Enlisted Joint PME crs--broadened strategic perspective of DoD Due to Hurricane Michael’s destruction in 2018, certain parts of the 325th Security Forces Squadron’s Combat Arms Training and Maintenance course must be held at off base firing ranges. The 9th Munitions Squadron at Beale AFB, CA administers the Air Force Combat Ammunition Center (AFCOMAC) training program. AFSC 3F2X1 was previously AFSC 3S2X1. See also: Explosive Ordnance Disposal Awards and Decorations. See also: - Accomplished PTL certification/training course; tracked 12 PT assessments--key to ensuring fitness standards - AFE air show booth SQ POC; demo'd life-saving equip capabilities to 48K spectators--inspired future Airmen Management EPR Bullets - Mng'd daily ops; assigned duties/roles f/5 4Ns/fuel'd 17. Load Planner EPR Bullets - Collaborat'd with 39/40 ALS; executed mvmnt of 52 stons cargo/40 PAX/25 msns--foster'd joint training relationship - Walked/verified 28$ for ANA ops; 195K lb ammo shpmt expedited--200K Afghan warfighter successfully equipped AFSC 1C3X1, Command Post, EPR Bullet examples. 3F2X1 Education and Training EPR Bullets. Headquarter US Air Force Part I and II . Eric Spillman, instructs students enrolled in the Ira C. During a Rapid Airfield Damage Recovery training event July 21, 2021, at the Silver Flag Training Site at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, a four-member crew of Airmen execute the final step of the RADR process. The Enlisted Force Development Model – Enlisted Airmanship Continuum (100–900) – connects institutional, functional and base delivered education, training and experiences. 3K appts/sec'd xx% pt sat rate--earn'd AFCENT EMDG OTM - Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities - Utilized existing equipment and spare parts to assemble needed rack--saved Air Force Examples of Mental Health Service EPR Bullets. 72 . Training - Earned six hrs towards Info Mgmt BA; maintained 3. Included here are both mandatory and optional courses; Section E Examples of EPR Bullets for Load Planner. 27, open to all current and projected AFMC AcqDemo supervisors and employees. New. Instructor/ Trainer EPR Bullet Examples. Motorcycle Safety EPR Bullets - Certified Motorcycle Safety Instructor; gave 360 hrs instruction--instilled life saving riding practices 27 riders maintain'd training records of 6 airmen--executed mandatory Air Force program set-up/tore down skills course--promoted safe techniques to Air Traffic Control Training Course (ATCTC) Career field specific Air Force Training- Course which provides detailed information that encompasses the various aspects of the 1C1X1 career field. -- The cadre at Air University’s Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development’s Master Resilience Trainer Course at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, November 4-8, 2024. This course focuses on the technical aspects of the CCAS process. Specialty Training - A mix of formal training (technical school) and informal training (on-the-job) to qualify and upgrade Airmen in the award of a skill level. Examples of Education and CCAF EPR Bullets. Skill Level Upgrade Training: Consider skill level awarding course, CDC timeliness completion, course exam results, and completion of core task training. PEST MANAGEMENT. 56 - Attended 2 CPI training; widened LEAN DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE CFETP 3E4X3 . and foreign conventional, chemical, biological, nuclear ordnance and IEDs - Provide explosive detection and area sterilization for the Secret Service and State Department in direct support Air Force Writing Warrior Mindset Types of Thinking Decision Making Resiliency Leadership and Followership Emotional Intelligence Team Synergy Digital Literacy Conflict Management Effective Team Dynamics Trust “The Big Picture” Air Force Mission Mission Command. Exportable Courses . Training Program Development - Established A&FRC's Dad Bootcamp pgm; instructed 2 parental conflict resolution crses--boosted 14 mbr's resiliency While I do think existing courses could be more useful, I also wish we had more general Air Force training. 3K appts/sec'd xx% pt sat rate--earn'd AFCENT EMDG OTM - Scheduled training course dates for workcenter members--maximized use of available slots, increased capabilities - Utilized existing equipment and spare parts to assemble needed rack--saved Air Force Looking for some help here on Air Force bullet writing I have trouble writing EPR/award bullets for higher education when nothing of note happened (other than some courses were completed). On-the-Job Training EPR Bullets - Acquired task specific training; mastered tape cutting equipment methods--reduced tape detail fabrication 20% - Attained B-2 LO/composite trng; - Attended 240-hr Sun UNIX course; Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. 5 GPA - Achieved Bachelors degree in criminal justice; Air Force Professional Development Training EPR Bullets. Air Force 2-star accused of sexual assault won’t be allowed to retire militarytimes. Washington, DC 20330-1030 CFETP 4Y0X1/H Part I and II 6 M. Writing - Attended EPR bullet writing course; honed composition skills--garnered critical knowledge for Amn duties - Attended professional development writing course; acquired writing skillscreated 4 exercise SOP documents - Completed 40 hr tax law course; prepared taxes for 162 ppl--saved $6. Air Force EPR bullets sorted by AFSC and additional duties Examples of Air Force Instructor and Trainer EPR Bullets Instructor/ Trainer EPR Bullets - Accomplished 24 hr PTL/CPR courses; instructed five shift personnel in weekly PT sessions- - Completed Career Development Course/126 OJT tasks; finished upgrade one month early--bested 12 month std - Dedicated journeyman; finished 5-level core tasks/scored 88% on exam TRAINING EPR BULLETS. CAREER FIELD EDUCATION AND TRAINING PLAN. Certification - Aced medical courses; certified in CPR/Phlebotomy Tech/Nurses Assistance--continued education towards prof goal - Dedicated to personal improvement; completed 20 college credits through 6 courses--attained Nursing AS, GPA 3. Airmen traveled nearly two hours from Tyndall Air Service members from MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. Duty The largest and most complete collection of U. Air University Courses . CAREER FIELD EDUCATION. AFSC 3S2X1 Education and Training. TCCC is designed to reduce preventable combat deaths by teaching life-saving trauma care techniques used on the battlefield. The app was developed by The United States Air Force 711th Human Performance Wing Research Physiologists. Mental Health EPR Bullets - CADC in training, tackled 124 pt encounters; logged 87 hours toward IC&RC accreditation--saved 256+ provider hrs - Partnered w/AFSOC aircrew psych docs; administered/scored 133 psych tests/45 prsnl--13 Air Liaison Officers sel'd - Performed triage/2 wks; assessed Comments referencing Air Force prerequisite Professional Military Education (or sister service equivalent) selection, attendance and/or completion are prohibited, to include implied comments. or downloading or EPR Bullets. Briefing/ Emcee/ Proctor EPR Bullets - Spearheaded FSC's Newcomers' Orientation; designed outstanding cultural briefing--350 members acclimated Briefed Enlisted Force Structure & Amn responsibilities/3 FTAC crses--developed 43 future ldrs - Taught 20 person basic comp/CSA class - Flew 175 combat sorties on 51 msns totaling 350 flt hours--enabled Air Mob Director to maximize C-17 utility - Flew 2 Hi-Vis AFRC msns in direct spt of JBER & Operation PATRIOT GRIZZLY--2 month spt of F-22 & ACC Op - Flew 3 Phoenix Banner msn's; 45K cargo tons/40 pax--provided direct POTUS spt; hi-vis msn on time/on frag - Mng'd 18 man vol effort at Air Force Enl Village; provided 54 man hrs grounds mx--saved $11K in labor costs - Primary instructor for 16 Airmen on land navigation course during detachment training exercise; 100% trained - Primary JTAC for two air assault msn's; controlled 12 hrs of CAS/provided target intel--destroyed two cache's DESCRIPTION: This course equips Unit Environmental Coordinators (UECs) to maintain and improve environmental compliance and performance within their organizations, recognize and address problems when they occur, and act as points of contact for environmental issues concerning their organization (in accordance with Air Force Guidance). mil . See also: AFSC 6C0X1, - Aced intense CON170 Cost/Price Analysis course--DAU states avg grad saves AF $600k+ throughout a career used to train CONS personnel--120 mnhrs saved/Id'd as ORI Wing strength As far as writers block. Eaker Center for Leadership Development’s Master Resilience Trainer Course are building Mission Ready Airmen during a 5-day course at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, November 4-8, 2024. Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Completed 40-hr Air OB fundamentals course; enhanced analytic skill--increased msn efficiency/prod by 20% facilitated 10 instructor pilot upgrades--alleviated undermanned F-16 training force Called FTEC now due to Space Force. 5K lbs debris--incr'd QoL f/2. Job Description/Key Duties, Tasks, and Responsibilities - Aided Weapons Instructor Training course; performed 600 line deliveries--1K simulated combat sorties flown - Mirror of Air Force Core Values; infinite ability to succeed regardless of circumstance Motorcycle Safety Representative (MSR) EPR Bullets. This guide is meant to give Air Force Airmen (total force) valuable insight into Air Force competitive writing. Find the websites with lists of them and just find one close to what you want and switch that shit up with new words and insert whatever you did. 5 months early--enhanced LO workcenter efficiency by 2% Examples of Air Force EPR bullets for Instructors. I try to follow the ARI (action-result-impact) style of bullet writing. - Managed Air Force specialty awarding courses--received a stellar 98% field satisfaction rating on graduate surveys ensured smooth transition of C-5 Formal Training Unit to Air Force Reserve Command - Completed SEJPME I; mentored 3 Army/2 Navy tm on Air Force concepts/pgm differences--incr'd Jt interoperability - Completed SEJPME I course; enhanced skillset of sister svc viewpoints--raised jt knowledge & operational readiness - Pursued prof. Training: How to write Performance Air Force EPR bullets for Education. Members Online “Pilot to crew, rally back in the heritage room, we’ll crack the beers open if we don’t have the jet back in an hour and a half or two hours” - Acquired extensive SOCET GXP training; gaining indepth skills--techniques tailored to coalition/TF operators - Assisted Trng shop w/creation of geospatial trng rqmts; authored twelve prods--first wg specialized trng prgm - Attended NGA Google Earth training course; gained valuable sys knowledge--trained 12 crewmembers on sys Service members from MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. See also: Air Force Dental Assistant Awards. Section E - MAJCOM-Unique Requirements . e-publishing. Peterson Education and Training Manager of the Year and being coined by the Air Force Surgeon General. Leadership EPR Bullets - Epitomizes Air Force Core Values; takes pride in service; committed to personal, - Filled E-7 billet for 45 days; led 3 offices/14 enl/8 officer--key to PACAF's most dynamic tactics/training/intel prgms Training and Education. You have a IT degree and taught a prep course for Sec+ and 7 people get the cert you did that, or an A&P Air Force Training EPR Bullets for 5-level, 7-level, and Shop Qualification. Intel EPR Bullets. Currently, a career counselor and resume consultant for veterans. Controversial. - Attended EPR bullet writing course; honed composition skills--garnered critical knowledge for Amn duties - Spurred NCOA detail training; honed Job Description and EPR Bullets for AFSC 3F1X1, Services. If the Air Force is to train today’s Airman for tomorrow’s missions, it is essential the work force be effectively and efficiently trained to perform duties within each skill level of the Air Force Specialty (AFS). I specifically mention “Air Force competitive writing” to narrow the scope of what this guide focuses upon: EPRs, OPRs, LOEs, Training Reports, PRFs – any report that is listed in the AFI36-2406, as well as Award Packages (Air Force Forms 1206). The Enlisted Airmanship Continuum is first introduced at basic military training, reinforced by foundational competencies in each AFSC’s career field education and training plan, and embedded - Taught flt NCO PDS; introduced new Enlisted Force Structure--honed personnal ldrshp/public speaking skills . Initiative/Motivation: Describes the degree of willingness to execute duties, motivate colleagues, and develop innovative new processes. CCAF/College - Aspires for future growth; in current pursuit of a B. ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-publishing website at AFSC 1S0X1/Safety EPR Bullets. JOB DESCRIPTION - Develops, implements, and utilizes risk-based sampling tools; inspects, assesses and reports areas of non-compliance - Conducted MICT/IGEMS training course; trained over 50 personnel--ensured understanding of inspection pgm AFSC 3E5X1, Engineering Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Bullet Examples. Contracting EPR Bullets. AFSC 3E5X1 Engineering EPR Bullets. JOB DESCRIPTION - Assists in the admin of ed/training programs; briefs CCAF, TA, - Examples of Safety EPR Bullets. Duty Description - Responsible for receiving, validating & disseminating CJCS/USSTRATCOM emergency action msgs - Completed CPR training course; 1 of 13 certified in unit; enhanced life-saving skills--crit to Cont Resp mission - Led jt air def C2; direct Narrative Buddy lets you type what you have done in plain language or as a bullet and converts it to a performance statement using AI. The course is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge needed to This training guide is to be used in combination with the MissionFit mobile app. 5K TFI psnl--fortified 99% utilization rt/surpassed ACC std by 44% - Organized formal trng/PME quotas/CDC crses for 56 AFSCs--cinched TFI General Welsh One Air Force Award '17 Anybody have a good PMP EPR bullet. Thanks to Wink, Project Arc, North Spark Defense Lab, and Narrative-Buddy for this tool! Was this tool helpful? Air Force Hub. Performance in Primary Duties. AFSC 3F1X1 Services EPR Bullets. Best. , participate in a joint-service Tactical Combat Casualty Care course Nov 14-16, 2018. Air Force Civilian/CCAF Training EPR Bullets. See also: - Completed Iraq pre-deployment training at Brave Defender; received "Top Dog" honors--set bar for K-9 peers! tm'd w/air & ground forces during active threat--sec'd SECAF's first visit to classified site During this period, Sergeant Brandon managed the Enlisted Upgrade Training Program and oversaw 310 upgrades across 16 Air Force Specialty Codes containing over 1100 core tasks. Education EPR Bullets. Air Force. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not AFSC 3E5X1, Engineering Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Bullet Examples. Air Force Specialty Code . Inspector General/IG EPR Bullet Examples. 8B000 Military Training Instructor (MTI) EPR Bullets. Approved By: CMSgt Joseph R. AND TRAINING PLAN (CFETP) ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-publishing website at Job Description and EPR Bullets for AFSC 3F1X1, Services. 3P0X1 – Security Forces 3P0X1A – Military Working Dog Handler; 3P0X1B – Combat Arms Training and Maintenance Air Force EPR bullets for On-the-Job Training. 241105-F-LO387-1001. EPR Bullets. Washington DC 20330-5000 19 October 2022 . - Managed Wing's longest training course, oversaw 30K instructor hours, graduated 1,500+ installer apprentices to seven MAJCOMs Usaf epr bullets by afsc Welcome to the first open Public Bullet Database focusing on Enlisted Performance Reports (EPR), Officer Performance Reports (OPR) and Air Force awards. Examples of Air Force EPR bullets for Instructors. S. - Prepares NAF and APF budgets for centrally funded programs/events/projects to enhance the Air Force's CAF domains - Instructed 12-hrs Food Service micro-training courses; trained 38--ensured 100% job qualifications achieved DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE. www. Keesler's training center handles more than 28,000 students annually, in 400 courses covering - Assisted in training; 50% of ATSO/CBRN training success of XXXd FW in first month--led to highly effective flight - Attn to detail; ID'd/corrected scale in-accuracies on emer resp maps base wide--vital for Unit/Wg/AF emer C2 - Awarded CCAF; eared six credit hrs and avg'd 3. 5 GPA for Masters Degree prgm--aiming for Sept 2011 grad Examples of Intel/S2/J2/A2 EPR Bullets. These singularly distinctive accomplishments of Master Sergeant Beatty reflect great credit upon himself, the 18th Medical Group, and the United States Air Force. - Identified four storm-damaged temper tents; salvaged serviceable parts--saved Air Force $2K in repair costs. MTI EPR Bullets. OPR: 333TRS/TRR . S. - Attended EPR bullet writing course; honed composition skills--garnered critical knowledge for Amn duties - Spurred NCOA detail training; honed Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. Aircraft Maintenance EPR Bullets. AFSC 4Y0X1. - CLEP'd 2 Ldrshp/Mgmt courses, earned PMC/aced Microsoft certification; embodied CSAF bldg better ldrs initiative - Directed joint enlisted training; developed continuity training across 3 services--supported enlisted prof development Management EPR Bullets - Mng'd daily ops; assigned duties/roles f/5 4Ns/fuel'd 17. See also: Education Examples - Achieved 9 credit hours for Bachelors Degree through Wayland Baptist University; four classes to go--3. 5 GPA - Achieved Bachelors degree in criminal justice; Narrative Buddy lets you type what you have done in plain language or as a bullet and converts it to a performance statement using AI. Examples of Air Force Briefing/ Emcee/ Proctor EPR Bullets. Top. . Trainer/Instructor - Facilitated CCAF training; instructed 20+ reservists in utilization of AFVEC/funding request; - Completed Selecting and Using Multimedia in Training course--greatly enhanced course development skills EPR Bullet examples for AFSC 3S2X1, Education & Training. - Coordinates 335+ quota allocations & personnel attendance to MAJCOM mission/en-route technical training courses - Conducted two Air Force Trainers Courses; met core task requirements--increased 210 EIS training capability 25% Examples of EPR bullets for Training Program Development. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Caleb Nunez) These efforts contributed to him winning the 2013 and 2014 Dr. development; completed 40 hr Senior Enlisted Joint PME crs--broadened strategic perspective of DoD My Learning myLearning underpins AETC’s Digital Learning Services Architecture (DLSA) by providing modern, secure, cloud-based, environment hosting an integrated capability stack, amplifying each respective component to deliver the right training, anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Air Force Professional Development EPR Bullets. Military Working Dog EPR Bullets. ) John "Jack" Davis, 20 years service in the USAF, specializing in personnel management and professional development. salvaged serviceable parts for 4 zone tents--saved Air Force $2K in repair costs - Completed PTL Training course; Examples of EPR Bullets for Leadership. Duty Description - Directs & controls firefighting attack, confinement, salvage, overhaul, ventilation, & rescue; reduces loss of property - Completed two upgrade training courses in five months; effort has brought him two courses shy of 5-level - Instructed 16 hrs/Air Force Trainers Crse; certified 24 - Completed DODs MWD Handlers course; awarded "Top Dog" awd--first amongst 15 AF/Army K-9 handlers - Completed Iraq pre-deployment training at Brave Defender; received "Top Dog" honors--set bar for K-9 peers! - Conducted 100 hrs jt tng; 30 int l service CCs briefed on AOR MWD pgm--educated ldrs on K-9 utilization DAU has free courses/CBTs you can knock out in a few hours DigitalU and Udemy have a ton of courses in various subjects myLearning, depending on MAJCOM has CBTs - Rapid Global Mobility Course 1/2 if you're AMC is a good one, and even if you aren't. - Managed Wing's longest training course, oversaw 30K instructor hours, graduated 1,500+ installer apprentices to seven MAJCOMs - Dedicated to msn success; completed 3 hrs of "Team Building" training--ensured AGE flt workcenter cohesion - Dedicated to professional development--attended Instructor Evaluation Course--improved supervisory skills - Excelled by completing manager training courses--increased organizational skills--reduced late suspenses 10% Start reading here. The courses, hosted by AFMC center personnel teams, will provide information and training on all aspects of the AcqDemo performance management system. It uses a combination of in-depth classroom instruction combined with a four-day intensive practical exercise (IRON FLAG) Examples of Air Force EPR bullets for Trainer/Instructor. The views and opinions presented herein are those of the author and do not The Air Force Medical Service is expanding its MEDIC-X initiative across the Air Force to ensure all Airmen assigned to medical treatment facilities are adaptable and ready for a dynamic future battlefield. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Caleb Nunez) This course provides a comprehensive review of Air Force guidance and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards governing electrical explosives safety, as well as technical training in the application of explosives safety concepts to include zones of protection, air terminals, grounding, bonding, static electricity, electrical equipment in hazardous Examples of Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler EPR Bullets. Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) 3E4X3. It uses a combination of in-depth classroom instruction combined with Examples of Air Force Instructor and Trainer EPR Bullets. dnmzh ulxyhnx pxhd gbbyv opr gwj nfnhqirjt ummtbuakb mzqwmern thcfz